Monday, July 9, 2012

Farran Park June 29 to July 2 2012

For the first camping adventure of 2012 we booked a Canada Day weekend in the Parks of the St.Lawrence with some close friends.

The setup is getting to be a bit easier with time, though I am still pretty bad at estimating how long it takes to leave the driveway. So after our not noon as planned departure, we arrived at Farran Park with plenty of daylight and sunshine to set up. In the lessons learned department, the electrical hookup should be at most 24 feet from the trailer, not the 27 feet I chose. Lesson 2, get more extension cords.

Our Friends showed up after dark, but we were able to serve Birthday cake and have a camp fire once they had pitched camp.

A happy Canada Day was had by all, until  there was at least one set of little fingers that had less fun, all was fixed with First Aid

Who doesn't like the opportunity to go fly a kite

We were able to sit down, relax and enjoy the company of friends.

The successful camping adventure wrapped up on Monday with us packing up and heading home, we even had a desire to go out again.

Farran Park
- Inexpensive ~$35/night for 2 service
- Lots of grass (and I am not talking about the peculiar odour that wafted down the campground on Friday night)
- Large sites, like really big I would guess 40 feet wide and 100 feet deep (yes that is bigger than the lot I have my house on why do you ask)
 - lots of trees and shade
 - More fire pits than you could shake a stick at.... which is odd as keeping kids with sticks away from the fire was a challenge this trip.
- A beach, though the sand was a bit muddy
- Could have used an extra set of showers, but the facilities were functional and not tooooooo dirty
- Repeat: Probably, though I think I want to do McLaren Island (one park over) just to see

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